The size of your checked baggage is very important. We suggest that you pack your items in soft style carry-on type bags or duffle bags measuring no larger than 36”L X 15”W X 15”H.
Each passenger is allowed one carry on item up to 20 pounds. There will be additional charges for additional baggage or for bags that exceed the allowance. (Please see below)
* If any bag exceeds the maximum weight of 50 Lbs. then a charge of $2.00 per pound will be assessed in addition to any other applicable charge(s)
Excess baggage will be accepted on a space and weight available basis. This means that excess baggage may not travel on the same flight as yours and may arrive at your destination some time after your arrival time.
IBC Air will not accept any bag weighing more that 70lbs. Bags weighing more than 70 lbs. can be shipped as cargo on another IBC flight and shall not be accepted nor transported on IBC’s passenger flights.
IBC Air follows guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Transportation. However in reference to lost baggage, IBC Air’s Liability limit is a maximum of one hundred US dollars ($100.00) per bag.
You may also take a personal item such as a laptop, briefcase, purse, or a similar item that does not exceed 36 inches (length+ width+ height) and fits under the seat